Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What are Aliens(UFO)??

Aliens. We think we know what they are, little grey men, sometimes described as lizard people, and yet other times Nordics. But, do we really know WHAT they are?
Here's just some possible explanations -
Collective hysteria/imaginings
If you ask the government, they'd likely tell you that as a society we have become believers in aliens because of Hollywood and hysteriaThere are plenty of concepts that support this hypothesis. The majority of encounters with aliens happen in bed – a time when sleep paralysis, shifting dream states, and even vivid dreaming because of geomagnetic storms could be at play.
Visitors from another planet
48% of Americans believe aliens come from other planets. It is interesting to note the similarities in experiences and descriptions of the aliens and that some people don't recall it until under hypnosis (as in my case). 
People from our planet's future
There is a good deal of conjecture that in the future, man will evolve into a different form because of less need for muscle – more reliance on machines, and larger brain to handle growing technology and its applications. When UFOs arrive, some of the population has come to accept this is extraordinary technology, but they are skeptical it came from light years away. The only possible explanation that, to many makes more sense, is that they are visitors from our future. In other words, were are their ancestors and they are our descendents.
Other dimensional/parallel world
Shadow people, aliens, cryptids are believed to be other dimensional or parallel world occupants who can cross back and forth between the worlds. Why are they able to do this? Well, let's look at it this way: We are a physical form that houses a soul. We can go into that spiritual world in prayer, astral projection, meditation and other means. We are still in our physical form, but we have entered another realm in our mind/soul. What if these beings are soul forms that can house a body? They must concentrate to produce a physical form as we focus on a mantra to enter the spirit realm.

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